Setting permissions to other user accounts

When you create an additional user account, they can only modify the content or players they create on their own. Upon adding a user account, you can give the user permissions to change previous content and players which are already stored on your Screen Publishing account:

In your Screen Publishing account, click on your username and hit “Settings” from the drop-down menu. Then, select “Users” on the sidebar menu.

Click the edit icon (the button below “Action”) beside the user for whom you want to expand permissions.

The newly loaded page will show the basic info of the user. You can modify name, password and account type, as well as set permissions you want to apply overall.

Now, take a look at the sidebar. If you edit a restricted user, you will see these options:

Content Permissions

Choose what content the user can have access to and what they can do with it.

Click on the “Share” button on the top-right corner.

A pop-up window with all your folders will come up. Select the folders, campaigns, playlist, files etc. you want to share with the new user account.


Differentiate between use, inspect, modify, and delete. Remember if you grant the user permission to modify an app, this will affect campaigns and playlists they do not have access to as well.

You can remove permissions any time by turning the green switches off. Off switches are shown in grey.

If you switched all switches to off for an item, an alert pops up informing you that you haven taken away all permissions for the item from the user.

Confirm with “Remove Permission”.

Player Permissions

Allow the user to see the players or player groups you want and specify which actions they can perform on them.

Click on the Add Player button on the top and select the player(s).

Choose whether the user can only publish to the player, view what’s on the player, adjust the settings, or even remove it from the account.

To remove players permissions:

Mark the player you want to remove permissions from.

Confirm by clicking the red “Remove” button in the header.
