How to use Calendar App

Do you want people to be up to date on events such as meetings and birthdays? Use this application to display daily, weekly or monthly events.

Social Events App - With Animation

  1. In your screenpublishing account, select the “Content” tab.
  2. Click on “New” and then “App”.
  3. From the pop-up window’s App selection, choose Meeting Room & Calendar.
  4. Pick “Calendar App”. Fill out all available options according to your preferences:
    Form Calendar App
    • Title: This title will appear on the top left corner of your app. You can label events like “Birthdays”, “Workshops”, “Meetings” or “Conference”.
    • Calendar URL (iCal): Your events are synchronized from an iCal calendar. This file format is supported by a large number of providers, including Apple and Google. In this field, you need to provide your calendar’s URL. Refer to this tutorial to learn how to connect your calendar.
    • Display calendar events for: Choose whether you want to display the events from a single day, a week or a month.Check the “Show past events” option to display events which have already ended. Mind that if you select this option with a calendar with many continuous events, the current events won’t probably get displayed. We recommend using this option for daily displays, but to avoid it for weekly and monthly frequencies.

      If you select “Month” or “Week”, mark “Present events broken down in smaller periods” to display events according to the days of the week (if you select to present week events) or by week (if you select to present month ones). If you don’t check this option, only the first five events will be displayed.

    • Language tab: Choose in which language and formats dates and other app innate text will be displayed.
    • Show time: Select this option if the event time matters.
    • Number of events to be shown: You can set up to 10 events in case you enabled the “Show time” option. If not, the maximum number grows to 16.
    • Calendar sync frequency: Define the frequency, in minutes, the app will look for updates in the calendar.
    • Cycling time interval: If you chose to display events from the entire week or month and have enabled the option to break down events into smaller periods, this is the field where you define how many seconds each week’s or day’s events are shown on screen.
    • Calendar timeout: In case your device goes offline and cannot access your calendar, you can set an expiration time. For instance, if you write here 60 minutes, after this time is past the calendar won’t be displayed anymore. Instead, a custom message will be shown to make people aware the calendar is unavailable (define the corresponding text in the field below).This is a useful option if you have a flexible agenda in which new events come up any time or are cancelled often.
  5. Lastly, you need to set up the look, like images and colors. For this app, you can choose if you want the Entrance animation where events slide from right to left when the app shows up on screen. You can also remove the calendar icon on the left of the screen by unmarking “Show icon”.Look at this example of a customized background Calendar App without icon and animation:Calendar Events App - Without Animation
  6. Preview the App and modify as needed. At last, click on “Save”.