The Health Check is a powerful and convenient tool for finding and fixing issues across your network.
The health check will detect:
Different from a static reports, the Health Check will run a new scan every time it gets loaded.
Use the search bar to enter the name of a specific items you would like to check or use the filtering icon to only list a specific asset type.
Each Health Check item is marked with an icon indicating how sever the issue is:
The Health Check scan found that the “Lobby Player” can take advantage of advanced features by installing the screenpublishing SPM.
IMPORTANT – The SPM APK is custom built for each Android Distribution. The SPM download button will provide the right SPM version for the specific listed player. Android will block the SPM installation if the SPM version is not the correct one for the target player.
The campaign “Flight Info” is published to the player “Hall” but will not be presented due to an expired restriction.
Suggested actions:
The App called “News App – RSS” is not going to work as the RSS feed is empty.
Suggested actions: