Basic Content Publishing

Basic Content Publishing Do you already have your account filled with content? Great! It is about time then to learn the basics of content publishing. Even the greatest content is useless if hidden on your screenpublishing account, away from your audience’s eyes. Before learning how to publish, make sure you have already installed Player devices […]

Unpublish Content

Unpublish Content You can unpublish Content from your Player in case they are outdated or have no longer any use. This frees up valuable memory on your device. There are several paths to unpublishing content, depending on the content type. Unpublish in Player view from specific Player The best overview you have from the Content […]

Reorder Content in Players

Reorder Content in Players The content you create will be shown on each of your Players in the order you publish them. Thus, a recently published piece of content is added to the end of the loop. However, you can reorder content any time by following the steps below: In your screenpublishing account, click on the […]

Publish content for a period of time

Publish content for a period of time With this publishing rule, you can control the period of time your content plays. You can limit it to a date, days of the week, or even hours. For a refresher about publishing basics, click here. In your screenpublishing account, select a piece of content and choose “Publish” from the […]

How to pause content playback

How to pause content playback In case you notice a mistake in an already published content, you can click on “Pause” so it won’t be displayed in any Player while you’re on it. In the meantime, you can correct it. There are several paths to pausing content, depending on the content type. Pause in Player […]

Add restriction to content

Add restriction to content Use this feature to add restriction to content which should apply to all players. You can make this setting apply to certain times, certain dates, certain player tags, or player locations. For instance, if you have a Christmas or seasonal message. Maybe you want a content to play from Monday to Friday, […]

Fallback Loop

Fallback Loop Set standard Content to play outside of work hours or maintenance with the Fallback Loop. This publishing filter sets Content to play only when other Content is not scheduled to play. Tip: Use this feature for Content which is not directed at a specific audience and doesn’t depend on time nor dates. Examples are […]

Publish tag filtered Campaigns

Publish tag filtered Campaigns New Player and nothing to play on yet? Make Campaign publishing faster and more efficient. As your digital signage operation evolves, you might find yourself looking for a specific Campaign among hundreds, or scrolling down endlessly, looking for Campaigns to fill your newly set up player. Make this procedure quicker with […]

Publish Campaign to tagged Players

Publish Campaign to tagged Players If you keep the (good habit) of tagging Players, you can benefit from it during Campaign publishing. You can prevent Campaigns from being played on tagged players, or only publish to them. For instance, let’s say you are a digital signage provider and distribute advertisements within your network, which include different […]

How to pause Campaign playback on specific devices

How to pause Campaign playback on specific devices Interrupt Campaign playback without complete unpublishing. Follow these tutorial steps for momentarily interrupting Campaign exhibition on a specific device or group of Players. Alternatively, you can also pause a Campaign on the entire network – check this tutorial. Pause a Campaign on a Player In your screenpublishing account, […]